liz blue ~ paperback reader

“I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?” ~John Lennon

King Perry - Edmond Manning

This book was reviewed in November 2013 on Goodreads.


This book was hard for me. It came highly recommended from a trusted recommender. Unfortunately, I spent the whole book vacillating between "What in THEE hell?" and bored like whoa. My "what the hell" moments weren't entertaining, edge of my seat. They were, Why are you such an untrustworthy asshat, Vin? and Why are you such a gullible tool, Perry?

This book requires a level of trust I can't imagine. Readers have to trust a first person narrator who continuously lies to us and to Perry. While Vin's stream of conscious thought patterns generally amused me, I still don't understand his motivation. Perhaps it's all a huge self-less gift. Maybe we're meant to truly believe in king love and magic.

At about 60%, I understood where the book was going. At 100%, I still have no idea why. The story of the kings is very cool. I appreciate the thought and details to it. I don't think it's truly meant to be supernatural though, and that may be part of my difficulty with the book.

I think the author is gifted with words and even at story-telling. I DON'T think I'm the right audience for this particular story. It requires letting go and trusting in a way that makes me uncomfortable. I wasn't able to connect to the characters, and I like an emotional connection. I skimmed heavily at points when the narration was dragging for me.

I do understand the appeal and the unique value of this book. It just didn't work for me.

More Than Anything

More Than Anything - T.T. Kove 2.5 stars
I wanted to like this far more than I did. As sweet as these 2 are together, this book needs some serious editing. Some of the errors seemed like typos, while others were just word use issues. Many of the latter mistakes read like this book is a problematic translation into English. Regardless, a strong editor would have cleaned this up. Disappointing.

Marathon Cowboys

Marathon Cowboys - Sarah Black These guys are a great duo, and the writing was good. This is my first by this author, and I'll read more. I would have liked a bit more depth to some of the relationship and histories for each man. I felt like I was missing some information at the end.


Rattlesnake - Kim Fielding 3.5 stars
Enjoyable characters and story. Jimmy made my heart hurt, but then I wanted more of his backstory sooner. I started having trouble empathizing with his need to run. Overall, they were very sweet together, and the story was a warm read.

Behind Iron Lace

Behind Iron Lace - Mercy Celeste Painfully bad hot mess. The writing, the plot. All over the place and insta-everything. I am all about all the endearments, and this book managed to push even my like for them. I'm not sure if that was because I was already annoyed or if ""baby"" in consecutive sentences repeatedly is too much for even my crack-like love. Either way. Irritating.

Playing for Keeps

Playing for Keeps - Lexi Ander Meh, at best.

Something in the Way He Needs (Family Series)

Something in the Way He Needs (Family Series) - Cardeno C. Highly problematic with abusive relationship themes.
It's one thing to like possessive partners; it's quite another to be an abusive asshat. No deal. The lack of communication between these two is epic, and the timeline is so strange in relation to what they DON'T speak about.

Double Exposure

Double Exposure - Sam Kadence 3.5 stars
Sweet and enjoyable. I'd like to read more about these two. Nicely done.

Sink or Swim

Sink or Swim - Lissa Kasey, Xara X. Xanakas Neurotic character and awkward dialogue made this far less interesting than it could have been.

Flowers for Him

Flowers for Him - Marie Sexton, Rowan Speedwell I wanted this to be so much better. It has potential with good characters, but it's an insane amount of relationship in very few pages.

The Understatement of the Year

The Understatement of the Year - Sarina Bowen I found Michael irritating. I just didn't buy how much of his shame was a thing. I know the events from the teen years are supposed to be seriously damaging. I couldn't buy how much it screwed him up. I'm not quite sure why, but I had a super hard time empathizing or feeling for his side of things. I think perhaps the family dynamics didn't help that.


Him - Elle Kennedy, Sarina Bowen Sweet and dirty. I thoroughly enjoyed this story with the sweet tattooed bad boy and the wholesome Cali kid. They're great together. The angst is dialed up to just the right level for the situation, and it's not overwhelming. They don't spend time holding onto old hurts, and there's not a lot of miscommunication once they reconnect. I also hurt for them with the challenges they each saw in the relationship. Second chance at love sporty story FTW.

Model Citizen

Model Citizen - Lissa Kasey I really liked this one. Kade is so sweet, and Ollie broke my heart.

It ends in more of a HFN than HEA, and there's a major ""WHAT?!"" and so now I want to know about a sequel. Is there a sequel coming? Now, please, thanks.

Out of Bounds

Out of Bounds  - T.A. Chase 2.5 stars
PWP. It's hot with minimal to no character and relationship development.

Why I Love Geeks (Why I Love... #1)

Why I Love Geeks (Why I Love... #1) - T.A. Chase This book is so completely terrible. From the editing to the plot to the characters. I mean, FFS, one of the character names changed in less than 200 words!?!!!! I'm so pissed off about this right now, I can't even write a coherent review, but I will. I will rant. It will not be pretty. I'm absolutely appalled at this book and the fact I paid $7 for something that reads like a poorly written first draft.

Crazy From the Heat

Crazy From the Heat - Mercy Celeste 1.5 Stars

Hot. Mess.
I had high hopes for a 21 Jump Street story. Really high hopes. After reading the sample and realizing there shouldn't be the squick factor of a teacher and student relationship, I was all in for this book. EVEN IF you can get past the horrific editing (which I can't), the story is a mess of uncomfortable and confusing plot lines. And then the end is a quick tie everything up in the last few pages kind of thing. I didn't even understand some of what was tied up in the investigation and even with the characters' lives. So disappointing.

Currently reading

Trouble & the Wallflower
Kade Boehme
Reckless Hope
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Cassandre Dayne
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